How this Good-Hearted Woman Helps this Terrified Kitten Cross this Road – Animal Fans World

How this Good-Hearted Woman Helps this Terrified Kitten Cross this Road

Laila D’Souza made a mistake while taking her customary route home from work in Kuwait and wound up on an unfamiliar road. Nevertheless, as luck would have it, a little kitty became lost and zigzagged her way out of traffic on the same roadway.

D’Souza’s decision to go to the side in order to assist the tiny cat impacted both of their lives irrevocably.

The founder of Rescue For Winston, D’Souza, told The Dodo that “he stopped in the emergency lane.” He climbed into my car when I stopped my automobile to go fetch him because he was so afraid.

After ten minutes of fruitless searching, she drove gently home in case the terrified kitten had managed to climb inside her car.

When he wasn’t there, D’Souza stated, “I searched beneath my car again when I got home.” Three hours later, I heard a few shaky meows. He had grabbed hold of my automobile from underneath, much to my amazement.

He was helped out when she made a call to a roadside assistance agency. The kitten was placed in a container by D’Souza and taken to the veterinarian for a thorough examination.

He was well, but he was nonetheless deeply affected by what had happened to him, according to D’Souza. With a little tender loving care, he warmed up every day until he eventually began to trust others.


You can watch the harrowing event here:


The 5-week-old kitten, now known as Hitch, has warmed up to D’Souza’s foster kittens since his unique rescue and even enjoys sitting on people’s laps. But D’Souza is most in love with his small voice.

His endearing squeaks, which are his defining characteristic, were D’Souza’s words. He enjoys expressing himself through his little, adorable squeaks.

Hitch has transformed from a fearful, wild kitten to an amazing love bug in only a few short weeks. Not only that, but D’Souza was also altered by his shift.

According to D’Souza, “Hitch taught me realize that some things really do happen for a purpose.” I frequently travel that way home, so taking the incorrect exit by accident and ending up on a different route wasn’t a coincidence.


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