How to Handle a Cat That Won’t Eat – Animal Fans World

How to Handle a Cat That Won’t Eat

Cats are known for their picky eating habits, but if your cat won’t eat, there may be a major problem.

All pets should be worried if they refuse to eat, but cats may be more at risk.

Animals must rely on their fat stores for energy when they don’t consume enough. The liver must digest stored fat before it can be burned as fuel. Protein sources must be sufficient for this step.

When a cat stops eating, it loses weight quickly, which quickly depletes its protein reserves and overburdens the liver with fat. Hepatic lipidosis, a risky condition caused by this, can result in liver failure.

You should speak with your veterinarian as soon as you observe a change in your cat’s feeding habits because a cat’s loss of appetite frequently implies disease. The more rapidly you react to the issue, the more likely you are to be able to take action that will be beneficial.

Why Illness Your Cat Won’t Eat.

One of the most important signs that anything is amiss is loss of appetite. So, if your cat suddenly stops eating, pay close attention. Infections, kidney failure, pancreatitis, digestive issues, and cancer are just a few of the potential causes. However, it isn’t necessarily serious; even a toothache might cause your cat to stop eating.

Modern vaccination. Did you notice your cat’s appetite decline soon after you brought it in for routine vaccinations? If so, your cat’s refusal to eat can be the result of a negative reaction to the vaccinations. Although millions of animals have benefited from immunizations, some can experience negative effects. Among these adverse effects, which are typically transient and minor, loss of appetite is one of the more prevalent ones.

Traveling and being in strange places. Many cats are creatures of habit, much as many people. Therefore, a change in routine may cause a decrease in appetite. Additionally, some animals get motion sickness when they travel by automobile or by plane, which can cause them to feel unwell and prevent them from eating.

Impulsivity or psychological problems. If your cat is not medically ill, as established by your veterinarian, then worry or sadness may be the cause of your cat’s unwillingness to eat. Sensitive cats often find changes in the home upsetting, and occasionally meeting new people or changing a cat’s routine can have an impact on their emotional health. Or perhaps your cat is just a picky eater. Remember that cats typically take a while to get used to new kinds of food, so a recent change in diet may be to blame.


Steps You Can Take

Remember that a complete refusal of food can have disastrous effects whether your cat is ill, anxious, or just picky. Therefore, never starve your cat to force it to eat a particular food, even if you’re attempting to get it to follow a doctor’s diet.

Work with your veterinarian to create the ideal routine for you and your pet if illness is the cause of your cat’s refusal to eat. When a cat is ill, feeding canned food may help to encourage them to eat. This could involve changing the type or consistency of their food. In more severe situations, veterinarians can suggest syringe-feeding your cat a liquid diet or prescribe medications that stimulate appetite.

The veterinarian may also suggest placing a feeding tube to ensure adequate nutrition.

You may have learned that some foods, like liver or canned tuna, can stimulate some cats’ appetites. Remember to only offer these foods in small amounts. Large doses could endanger your pet by depleting or overdosing on some vitamins.

Try encouraging your cat to eat commercial canned food rather than solely human food. Your fussy cat might be persuaded to eat by heating the food or by adding fish oil, broth (make sure it doesn’t contain onions, which are poisonous to cats), or cooked egg. Take the food away and give your cat fresh food later in the day if it still won’t eat. Your cat can start to shun the food in the future if it is allowed to harden and stale.

If your cat has only ever eaten human food, be sure to wean them off of it gradually over a period of weeks by combining their favorite human food with cat food. You should be able to adjust the ratio over time until your pet solely eats cat food.

Using a similar strategy, several experts advise switching your cat’s food between various brands two to four times a year. This method may lessen fussiness, as well as the emergence of food allergies and digestive issues.

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