Giggles In Reality, the Angry Cat is a Complete Sweetheart and isn’t Actually Angry. – Animal Fans World

Giggles In Reality, the Angry Cat is a Complete Sweetheart and isn’t Actually Angry.

Mean-looking cats are nothing new on the internet, but this stray cat from Akron, Ohio, who was discovered in a shelter, stands head and shoulders beyond any “competitor.” Even his name contains the word “mad.”

What an absurdly ironic name is Giggles the Angry cat? He most likely led a difficult life and was a stray before being rescued by shelter staff. But that doesn’t explain why he always has a frown on his face; it’s simply the way he is. And despite what his moniker would suggest, he isn’t actually very furious. He’s not even angry; he’s just critical. Kidding. There is a soft heart concealed behind that hostile exterior.

The Riggi Rescue, which saved the odd-looking cat, has named Giggles its honorary ambassador and is currently raising awareness and money to support homeless cats and kittens. Giggles is a success story of the shelter because he was adopted and is frequently pictured on Instagram cuddling with his new family (which you should totally check out). Soon it will be Christmas, so visit Riggi Rescue’s donation page and give the less fortunate cats and kittens the gift of a wonderful life.

“Giggles was rescued by Riggi Rescue after being spotted as a stray,” Giggles informed Bored Panda. He had bite marks on his neck from other cats, was underweight, and was covered in ticks. We adopted him from Riggi Rescue after they took him to the vet to get neutered and receive his shots. He is the second rescue cat we have adopted. Hobbes and Jackson, also from Riggi Rescue, are Giggles’ brothers.

Giggles is gaining weight, becoming healthier, and becoming a happier man. He loves living inside! He enjoys snuggling in bed and using feather wands. It’s amusing that he dislikes treats. Since we were able to work with the rescue and keep him on as their representative, Giggles’ aim is now to raise money and awareness for other cats and kittens that are in need of loving homes and are now living on the streets. Despite always having a frown on his face, he is a pretty laid-back and loving person. He is constantly prepared to curl up on the couch next to us and receive belly rubs!


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