Fantastic – How does he Change His Mind about Cats the Man who didn’t Want them – Animal Fans World

Fantastic – How does he Change His Mind about Cats the Man who didn’t Want them

Kris Kempf had one major weakness when he initially met Alexis Lin; he wasn’t a cat person.

I don’t believe he disliked cats; I believe he simply didn’t care for or prefer them to dogs.

But as time passed, that began to alter. When Kempf first met Lin, she already had two cats, and they gradually helped him develop a heart for all cats. He now has a true affection for animals and even participates in cat rescue.

Lin recently received an astonishing text while Kempf and the couple’s son were out for a run.

He claimed that while they were rushing passed a bush, a small creature suddenly appeared behind them on the roadway and began yelling at them, according to Lin. He approached the kitten cautiously; it didn’t flee, continued to meow, and walked in their direction.

Now that the cat-hating husband was emailing his wife about a little abandoned kitten, she was fully prepared to answer.

Lin stated, “I knew we had to at least try to help it. So I instructed Kris to bring it home, and then we would go buy some materials to help it recover.

The pair worked to get the kitten cleaned up and settled in after Kempf followed instructions and took him home. Now that he is safe and is integrating well with the family, he appears to be quite appreciative and content. The couple is unsure if they can keep him because they already have a son, many dogs, and a baby on the way, but they will do everything possible to find him the greatest possible forever home.

It just goes to prove that Kempf is now a true cat guy because in the past he might not have contacted his wife with such joy about the kitten.


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