How this Dog Morocho put His Life in Danger to Save the Lives of Two Girls. – Animal Fans World

How this Dog Morocho put His Life in Danger to Save the Lives of Two Girls.

Meet Morocho, The Dogo Who Stole 2 Little Girls By Fighting Off A Puma.
the fabled dogo who fended off a puma to save the kids.

Ulises, the grandson of the originator Dr. Nores Martinez, made the decision to go to La Cocha a few months ago to perform some duties.

She took his older daughter, “Sofia,” who is 10 years old, because it was his plan to depart and come back the same day. It was an uneventful “trip.”

As soon as they arrived at the estancia, the workers with the foreman, “Tomás,” got to work. Tomás’s daughter, “Yoli,” and “Sofa” requested permission to visit a massive fig tree 700 yards away so they could harvest and eat some figs.

Yoli climbed to the highest branch she could because she knew that the best figs were typically found at the top of the tree. 🙏

There was only one issue. There were other people in the tree besides her.

Yoli first noticed noises on the tree, such as branches twitching and foliage moving, when she was around 7 feet above the ground.

She was unaware that the same tree was also home to a puma, also referred to as a mountain lion or cougar.

A large puma was leaping down the top branches when she looked up. “The beast struck the child with a paw, causing Yoli to fall flat on her back from a height of two meters.”

Both children were unaware that Morocho, one of Ulises’ top dogs, had been tagging along after them as he usually does whenever they pass through the estancia.

When Yoli’s father heard the girls screaming, he ran as quickly as he could.

The Dogo Argentino made the decision to put his life in danger when Morocho came face to face with a puma in order to save two little girls.

Tomas Bracamonte remarked, “I thought it was a snake. “I arrived rushing. I got there as quickly as I could.

He discovered Morocho when he got there. Although severely hurt, the dog was still alive. Puma eluded us and fled.

Those two young girls are still alive today because of Morocho. The bravery of Morocho stunned millions of people throughout the world.

God bless him, and our furry Angels are watching over us all! God bless him!


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