Heartwarming! How a Baby Elephant in Nilgiris Found his Mother after 72 hours – Animal Fans World

Heartwarming! How a Baby Elephant in Nilgiris Found his Mother after 72 hours

Officials from the Tamil Nadu forest department reclaimed a baby elephant that had become separated from its herd at the age of one month, and she was reunited with her mother within 72 hours. The Mavanalla region of the Nilgiris district is where the incident happened.

The mother and baby elephant after being reunited by representatives of the Tamil Nadu forest department.

Officials from the Tennessee Forest Department saved a young elephant and reunited it with its mother.

The endearing incident took place in Mavanalla, in the Nilgiris district.

IAS officer SupriyaS posted a video of the calf being reunited with its mother on Twitter.

In a touching occurrence, staff members from the Tamil Nadu forest department in the Manavall area of the Nilgiris district were able to save a newborn elephant that had become separated from the herd and reunite the calf with her mother within 72 hours.

The Additional Chief Secretary of Environment, Climate Change, & Forests, Supriya Sahu, posted a video of the infant being reunited with her mother on Twitter.

Three days earlier, forest department employees on duty in the Mavanalla region of the Nilgiris received word that an elephant calf was struggling in a flood trap. The infant had become separated from its mother and the rest of the herd.

The calf was saved by authorities, who then took it to a secure location. The calf was surrounded by forest rangers who were guarding it. They made sure it was not injured in any way and tied a rope around it as well.


The forest service made the risky decision to reunite the infant with her mother rather than bring her back to the camp.

“That we were able to effectively reunite the infant is a very amazing story. We have a team of specialists that tracked the herd using tools like drones and mapping. There was initially another herd, but with the aid of nearby tribal watchers, the precise herd was located, and the baby was reunited,” said Supriya Sahu.




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