Owner Brought Her to be put Down, But her Dark History is Hidden by Her Purple Fur. – Animal Fans World

Owner Brought Her to be put Down, But her Dark History is Hidden by Her Purple Fur.

Dr. Karri, an experienced vet at the “Vet Ranch” animal clinic, was horrified to see Violet, a little puppy with several bite marks and purple fur. When Violet’s owner gave her up to be put down, she claimed that Violet had been mauled by a bigger dog.

It is common knowledge that bait dogs are purple-colored before being used to train fighting canines. Contrarily, Violet’s owner claimed that the color of her fur came from a purple wound spray that had been applied to her soon after she had been mauled. But because of medical incompetence, the wounds continued to swell for several weeks, putting Violet’s life in danger.

Dr. Karri describes Violet’s extensive medical procedure in this eye-opening video. Violet goes through a challenging course of therapy as a vet uses strong painkillers and medicines to treat her illnesses and abscesses. Violet has now passed the septic stage after being under careful observation for 12 days!

It’s very gratifying to see the dog’s joyful run at the end after first seeing Violet’s dejected and defeated attitude. She can hardly contain her smiles of gratitude when she is in Dr. Karri’s arms!

Shortly after Violet had fully healed, she was adopted. She lives with her new mother, Kelly, and Peanut, the smaller of her two Jack Russell dog sisters. Dr. Karri, thank you for improving Violet’s quality of life.


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