Hero Yorkie Saves 10-Year-Old Owner by Fighting Off Attacking Coyote – Animal Fans World

Hero Yorkie Saves 10-Year-Old Owner by Fighting Off Attacking Coyote

What a brave small dog, Macy, fought a dangerous coyote to defend her young owner.

Nothing is more unique than the relationship between a young child and their dog. Dogs are wonderful friends that are also incredibly protective of their owners, constantly eager to put themselves in harm’s way. Every child should grow up with one.

That was demonstrated this past week by a small but courageous dog that bravely defended her 10-year-old owner from a coyote while suffering injuries in the process. Macy, a mixed-race 6-year-old Yorkie, might be. She resides with her owner Dorothy Kwan and her family in Scarborough, Toronto.

Recent events took a dramatic turn when the family’s 10-year-old daughter met face-to-face with a wild coyote while Macy and the kid were out on a stroll. Amazingly, though, the little dog volunteered to defend her owner by squaring off against the coyote.

Watch the video to see the dramatic moment:

The disturbing video shows Macy being attacked by a coyote in the distance as she begs out for rescue. The coyote eventually retreated, seemingly pushed away by the smaller dog, but in the end Messi emerged as the victor of the confrontation.

Dorothy Kwan told blogTO, “You can see our dog placing herself between my daughter and the coyote.” “Even after suffering severe injuries, she kept barking and chasing the coyote away. She retaliated. Even though Macy was able to dodge the coyote, she was still left with serious wounds. She suffered serious injuries to her torso and leg, according to Dorothy. “She is having surgery at the emergency animal hospital for her wounds.”

Knowing that her cherished pet dog had suffered harm in order to save many of her daughters, Dorothy was devastated. “Both my baby and our dog, whom we adopted five years ago, have broken my heart. Being a single mother of two, my kids and our dog are everything to me. After being transferred to the animal hospital, Macy received treatment for her injuries, but the price ultimately came to thousands of dollars.

However, when the family set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money and share Macy’s inspirational tale with the world, donors stepped up: the page has nearly $20,000, exceeding its fundraising target.

Even better, according to Dorothy’s post on the fundraising page, Messi is currently making a good recovery. She wrote today that “her fever is gone and she’s got her appetite back.” “I am incredibly happy with her. When she gets home, no coyotes will want to meddle with her. My tough girl might be a real fighter. I like you a lot. You’ll complete this!

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