Slideshow of Cat-Friendly Human Foods – Animal Fans World

Slideshow of Cat-Friendly Human Foods

You Can Share, Occasionally 1/9
Your cat should eat mostly nutritionally adequate cat food, but you can occasionally give them a treat from your plate. All you need to know is how to select cat-friendly treats that are nutrient-rich. And make sure the fish isn’t uncooked if you do give it to them.


Simply said, cats are carnivores. For a robust heart, clear vision, and a healthy reproductive system, they must consume meat protein. They can get it by eating cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and modest portions of lean deli meats. Your cat may become ill from eating rotten or raw meat. Give your pet nothing that you wouldn’t eat yourself.

Whole grains

Oats are simple to produce and contain a high protein content per calorie. Many cats enjoy maize, and the texture of polenta, a coarsely ground cornmeal, suits them well. However, you might need to mash the brown rice, barley, and wheat berries first. Smaller grains like millet and couscous are typically favorites of cats. Just be careful to boil any grains you give your cat so they can digest them completely. Also acceptable are whole wheat breadcrumbs.


Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which not only keep your cat’s eyes sharp but also aid in the treatment of renal, heart, and arthritis conditions. Fish from cans or cooked is acceptable as a treat. However, avoid serving raw fish with your shashimi or sushi. In general, avoiding raw fish is a smart idea.


Another excellent source of protein for your cat is eggs. But be careful to boil them. Raw eggs, like raw meat and fish, can be harmful to your cat.


Fewer cats prefer fruits than vegetables because cats cannot detect sweet flavors. However, they are a good source of vitamins and are also quite high in fiber and water, both of which aid with digestion. Steamed broccoli, asparagus, fresh cucumber or melon are also good options. But honestly, you might have more success sneaking them a veggie burger. Just watch out the patties doesn’t contain any onions or garlic.


In moderation, cheese is a high-protein snack that is safe for your cat. However, compared to the sort found in meat, fish, and eggs, the protein in cheese is less “complete.” Additionally, many cats’ stomachs can’t take dairy, so be careful with the cheese snacks and skip the milk saucer.

Foods Cats Shouldn’t Eat


Steer clear of these foods when sharing your snacks. They’re toxic to cats:

  • Chocolate
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Onions and garlic
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Bread dough
  • Alcohol
  • Xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in sugar-free gum and candy

Don’t let curiosity, well, you know. Keep foods not meant for your cat in a place they can’t get to them.

All Calories Count!


Kitty should only get “extras” occasionally. Their regular meals should be a high-quality cat food (look for a statement from AAFCO — the Association of American Feed Control Officials — on the label). If you give them food that’s meant for people, talk to your vet about what and how often you should add to their diet. Overfeeding can lead to an overweight cat and health problems.


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