Cat Reacts Adorably When Seeing Former Owner in Nursing Home – Animal Fans World

Cat Reacts Adorably When Seeing Former Owner in Nursing Home

Tony formerly shared a home with a beautiful cat named Chicken Little. She adores her human father dearly, but unhappily, Tony had a stroke and had to be admitted to a hospital’s intensive care unit.

He would no longer be able to take care of his cat as a result.

Even though he was quite fond of his cat, he understood that he would need to find her a new place to live where she could be taken care of.

In order to find Chicken Little a new home, Tony’s neighbors who were temporarily caring for her started their quest.

Little was taken in by Amanda, a woman who was waiting to be approved to foster cats. Amanda quickly fell in love with the cat and after a few days decided to formally adopt Little.

Tony was transferred from the intensive care unit to a nursing home where he could get the attention and help he required at the same time Chicken Little went to her new residence.

Despite being content with Amanda, Chicken Little misses Tony dearly, so Amanda made the decision to smuggle her into the nursing home for a visit.

Amanda opted to call her Chicken Little because of how much she talks after learning that Tony had referred to her as his Little Angel.

The home didn’t allow pets but for this special visitor they turned a blind eye. Once Amanda was in Tony’s room she was let little out of her carrier.

At first she was a little shy but as soon as she saw her old dad she rushed over to him for leg rubs and then snuggles.

Tony was overjoyed to see her and relieved to finally see his Little Angel once more.

With any luck, they’ll be able to visit once or twice a month, Amanda hopes these visits can become routine. Let’s hope so!


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