This Cat Can’t Stop Grinning Since They Brought Her Home From A Sanctuary – Animal Fans World

This Cat Can’t Stop Grinning Since They Brought Her Home From A Sanctuary

That was it when young Rey squeaked toward her prospective human mother. The future owner of this cat knew right away that this rescue cat belonged in her home. Rey must have experienced it as well because she hasn’t stopped grinning since she got back home!
Rey’s human mother said, “I had not been looking for a kitten by any means (we already have two!) but just had a gut to stop by the shelter on my way home from work and saw this little girl and was immediately captivated with her.”

I then carried her home, and everything has been wonderful ever then. She is incredibly affectionate and energetic, and her older brother and sister just adore her and are always trying to groom her and amuse themselves with her.

“I wasn’t looking for a cat… but only got a sense to visit the church on my way home from work.”


“I came upon this tiny woman and fell in love with her right away!”
I took her home, and ever since, everything has been perfect.

She bears the name of the newest Star Wars leading lady, and she is my little sunshine Rey!


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