This woman couldn’t believe her eyes when she Found this Stray Puppy in the Woods – Animal Fans World

This woman couldn’t believe her eyes when she Found this Stray Puppy in the Woods

Cleveland National Forest in San Diego is home to a wide variety of wild species, including bobcats and bears. So, while a Good Samaritan was walking through the woods, she came to a complete halt when she noticed a pair of distant eyes watching her.

She initially believed she had observed a wild animal until she took a closer look.

The Dodo quotes rescuer Suzette Hall as saying, “She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.” There was a dog.

At the end of a curvy gravel road, the dog was by himself. The woman who spotted her couldn’t get to her since she was concealed behind the slope of the path. However, the woman was perfectly aware of how to save the adorable dog.

In an effort to lure the pup out of her hiding hole, the mother first put up a temporary feeding station at the top of the slope.

The dog would climb the slope to eat, according to Hall. The woman would remove the meal once she finished cooking it to prevent the predators from pursuing her.

The wife then made a call to Hall for assistance in organizing the rescue.

That evening, Hall set up a trap close to the feeding station in the hopes that the pup would accidentally fall into it after dinner. The dog, however, was not there when the two women went back to the woodland the following day.

Hall left the trap again that evening, returning the next morning to see how the youngster was doing.

She was in my trap at last, Hall said. “And when I got her out, she just gave me a kiss.”

Hall brought the tiny canine—named Trekker—to her neighborhood animal shelter.

When staff members performed a microchip scan on Trekker, they discovered that she had been adopted just four days before to her initial encounter.

Trekker’s owners turned him up to the animal shelter, who later gave him to Hall.

Trekker was promptly placed in a foster family by Hall, where she remained until her new adoption was legally completed.

She transitioned from a wonderful foster home to a wonderful forever home, according to Hall. She’s simply enjoying her life right now.

Hall claims that Trekker is now content with her new human family. She enjoys having fun, cuddling, and taking walks with her devoted family.

Hall remarked, “Her past is completely gone now. She is such a fighter.

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