Unwanted Horses Left to Die in a Cruel Breeding Environment are Saved by a Caring Woman – Animal Fans World

Unwanted Horses Left to Die in a Cruel Breeding Environment are Saved by a Caring Woman

The breeding of racehorses is a very competitive market. In order to obtain the valuable milk from the nursing mothers for growing competitive thoroughbreds for races, breeders encourage mares to have as many foals as possible, writes ilovemydogsomuch.com…

The founder of Last Chancé Corral, Victoria Goss, arrives to the rescue as the unwanted foals are dumped and left to die. She helps these newborns survive without their mother by providing support for them.

. She has achieved a far lower rate of young foal mortality than the industry average because to her committed efforts. Since she was 12 years old, Victoria has been caring for horses.

Her heart breaks for these abandoned foals, but she is unable to hire a competitive crew due to financial constraints. When volunteers are available, she uses their assistance, although she mostly maintains the sanctuary by herself.

Unfortunately, the assistance offered to these foals is wholly out of proportion to the enormous number of horses being bred and dumped. Due to her limited resources, she is forced to reject numerous foals every day, which breaks her heart.

The selfless mission of Victoria has touched our hearts. You can go to Last Chancé Corral’s Facebook page to donate to the cause or adopt a horse.

Watch Victoria’s selfless efforts to give these abandoned horses a fighting chance at life by clicking the video below!

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