After Two Years of Constant looking, Kameroun Mares finally located his Missing Dog Semper Fidelis. – Animal Fans World

After Two Years of Constant looking, Kameroun Mares finally located his Missing Dog Semper Fidelis.

After two years of persistent searching, Kameroun Mares finally located his missing dog, Semper Fidelis.

The reunion of two hearts is so beautiful. Kameroun Meres’ cherished pet husky mysteriously vanished one day.

Anguished woman searched wherever she could for him. She eventually discovered him after two years.

Kameroun initially encountered Semper when he was a tiny, cute puppy. This nice woman was fighting cancer, which made it a very difficult time in her life. Semper was a wonderful friend who gave her strength to fight for her life and who appeared to soothe her. . .

Semper Fidelis, the puppy’s moniker, had the meaning “Always faithful,” which fit her dog’s personalities. He was a highly devoted and affectionate pet. All she ever wanted was a certain kind of pet.

Kameroun Mares finally found his lost dog Semper Fidelis after two years of nonstop searching

Everything was wonderful, and the cute couple was inseparable. But an awful event happened in 2016.

Husky could not accompany Kameroun when she traveled to California to finish her medical care. In the hopes that her roommate would care for her cherished pet, she was forced to leave him with her.

Soon after, she called her with the terrible news that her dog had gone missing. Kameroun was really unhappy, poor guy.

Kameroun Mares finally found his lost dog Semper Fidelis after two years of nonstop searching

She instantly began looking for her pet. She used all available resources to try to locate the missing dog, including internet notices, fliers posted around the community, and assistance from friends and neighbors. But despite her painstaking search, she found nothing.

She was still holding out hope that one day she would meet her puppy, even though strong women never give up. She kept phoning several locations in an effort to find Semper, including a shelter, a vet, a humane society, etc. Even a private detective was used by her.

After all, it was discovered that a woman had appended her name on Semper’s chip in April 2016. The puppy had a $200 price tag when it was up for sale.

Later, Kameroun learned that her former roommate had actually sold the dog.

Fortunately, she located her cherished Husky. She was so excited to meet him after two years of separation.


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