Cat With Massive Tumor Finally Smiles Again – Animal Fans World

Cat With Massive Tumor Finally Smiles Again

Despite having a huge tumor on her face, a really courageous cat never gave up. She was saved from being put to death by rescuers, and they also assisted her in regaining her grin.
Keta battled to live despite having a tumor the size of a tennis ball on her face.

She was a feral cat that was brought to a shelter where she was due to be put to death. But fortunately, Undesirable NYC Pets found her in time.

The volunteers worked swiftly to raise the funds necessary to provide her the operation she so desperately needed.

Keta is a cat with a big appetite and a lot of energy despite her lovely appearance.

It was obvious that she would continue to fight. Surgery was obviously the best course of action, but it wasn’t without risk.

Volunteers were extremely concerned that when the tumor was removed, she would no longer be able to see or eat properly.

Dr. Tomas Ingernuso, the surgeon, managed to avoid any potential issues and excised the tumor successfully.

Keta has improved beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.

Her skin is becoming tighter, and she is still intensely hungry. She currently leads an ordinary cat’s life. She eats, sleeps, and plays.

This extraordinary cat’s outlook on life was starting to improve dramatically. She just needs to be adopted and placed in a permanent home to finish her life.


Unwanted NYC Pets said on Facebook that “Keta has been adopted and likewise is loving her life with her beautiful family.”

She has made such progress! Look at that gorgeous smile she has right now.



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