For Stray Cats and Kittens, a Man Opens the Doors of a Mosque – Animal Fans World

For Stray Cats and Kittens, a Man Opens the Doors of a Mosque

One mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, is providing warmth and shelter to those in need in a city where thousands of stray cats roam the streets.
Since 2015, when Imam Mustafa Efe started letting stray cats stay in the mosque, his gesture of generosity has become well-known all across the world


He calls the cats “visitors” of the mosque and, as you can see, he’s made them feel right at home.

One of the cats thought the mosque would be a fantastic place for her to raise her young because she felt so comfortable there.

In the video clip listed below, the mother roaming carries her kittens, one at a time, right into the mosque and up the stairs of the minbar, the pulpit where the imam delivers sermons.

Imam Efe had a couple of kind words to say about the cats that amazed him during a Friday sermon. “The cat has found the heart of compassion and grace,” he wrote in a Facebook article.



A small piece of compassion and mercy is all that stray cats require in this world, which all frequently leaves them to fend for themselves. And in this mosque, the homeless cats have actually found comfort.

The cats are appreciative that they have a place to call home, and Imam Efe continues to make sure that the “guests” of his Istanbul mosque are always taken care of.

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