Rescue Dog Surprises Employees With World’s Cutest Smile – Animal Fans World

Rescue Dog Surprises Employees With World’s Cutest Smile

Cheech limped alone from the Texas streets to a large shelter, where he eventually settled into the recently progressive Waller Metropolis Animal Rescue Shelter. It was unintentional to let anyone to approach the bitsy puppy because he might be bullied by one of the staff members. Nevertheless, shock, shock! Little Cheech gave his rescuers the most crucial smile, and they were all filled with admiration.

Leah Sipe, the director of the Waller City Animal Shelter and Rescue Center, was present at the meeting. “I went into the kennel to check him out and shouted for the other levies to return look,” she said. They agreed that I was crazy and that he was growling; when I caught my hand in the pen, I gave them permission to strike out. He’s as friendly as they come!

Cheech’s picture was posted on Facebook as a way to help him find a forever home, and boy did it work! After hundreds of operations, the happy pet was finally given to a woman who had recently lost a cat to cancer and asked for help finding a new friend for her other dog, Dusty.

It worked like a charm when a picture of Cheech was put on Facebook to help him find a new place to live. After hundreds of operations, the happy animal was finally given to the woman who just lost a cat to cancer and asked for help finding a new pet for her other dog, Dusty.

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