The closest Friend of this 3-year-old Boy is a 175-Pound Pit Bull. – Animal Fans World

The closest Friend of this 3-year-old Boy is a 175-Pound Pit Bull.

Pit bull Hulk weighs in at a startling 175 pounds and is only 18 months old at the time of the video, so he’s not even completely matured yet!

The gentle titan is a three-year-old boy’s best buddy, despite the fact that many others think the dog appears threatening and terrifying.

The Hulk is incredibly amiable and wouldn’t harm a fly. Despite being one of the largest dogs on the planet, he doesn’t let his size get to him. The pit bull consumes fifty pounds of dry food and twenty pounds of raw steak per week! Can you picture it? The owners are incredibly grateful to have such a loving dog as a pet.


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