Training Your Little Kitten to Use the Litter Box – Animal Fans World

Training Your Little Kitten to Use the Litter Box

Educating Your Cat to Use the One of the first things you must teach a new kitten when you bring them home is how to use the litter box. Early litter box training will assist your kitten in forming lifelong healthy habits.

It’s possible that your new cat already knows how to use a litter box. It all relies on how its mother brought it up. Over the course of their first six weeks of life, kittens acquire the majority of their habits from their mother. Before being adopted into a new home, the kitten will probably pick up on the mother’s use of a litter box. But if the kitten was raised outside or was taken away from its mother, early, it might have no knowledge of litter boxes or even proper elimination habits. This is where you come in and begin litter box training.

How to Choose a Litter Box

Choose a container with low sides that your kitten can simply step into because it requires a litter box that is simple to get to. It ought to be large enough for the kitten to turn around and relieve itself multiple times. Simple, compact plastic litter boxes can be effective. However, if your kitty is really small, you might want to start with something like an old baking pan or a shirt box with a liner.

Your kitten may or may not benefit from covered litter boxes. It might be advisable to use an open box at first so you can watch your kitten inside. You might want to try covering the box after your kitten learns to use it one box and leaving another open so you can learn if your cat has a preference. Some cats prefer the privacy of a covered box, while others dislike the closed-in feeling.

Variety of Litter

Your choice of litter can have a significant impact on how easily your cat learns to use the litter box. Cats typically prefer the texture of scoopable litter to bigger non-scoopable clay styles. The ideal litter to use for your kitten is unscented because scents can overstimulate its delicate olfactory sense.

When introduced to cat litter for the first time, some kittens may ingest it. This may result in harmful digestive issues. For this reason, you may wish to choose corn- or wheat-based scoopable litter.
Getting a mat to put outside the box to catch litter as the cat steps out may also be a good idea. Make sure whatever you purchase will be soft and cozy on your cat’s paws. Rough or spiky surfaces are likely to deter your cat from entering the litter box.

Making A Clean and Safe Environment

The area of your home where the litter box is located needs to be both private and convenient. Avoid confined areas like those in small closets or beneath cabinets. Make sure there are no loud appliances or other frightening noisemakers close to the box.

The litter box shouldn’t be put too close to your kitten’s favorite places to sleep or to its water and food bowls. Naturally, cats and kittens avoid going potty close to their eating and sleeping areas.
Keep the litter box clean, and keep the area around it as tidy as you can. One or two times per day, scoop the litter box. Clean up any spills that occur outside of the box right away, and pick up any stray trash pieces regularly.

Steps in Training

Before you bring your new kitten home, the litter box area should be completely set up. New kittens should often spend their first few weeks in a “transition room” that is secure, cozy, and keeps them away from other parts of the house. Additionally, it can greatly aid cat litter box training.

The litter box should be placed as far away from the food and water as feasible. For the first few days or weeks, keep your kitten in the room until it starts to act at ease. It’s advisable to bring your cat back to this room when you aren’t home after letting it out to explore the rest of your house.

Following your  kitten eats or drinks, place it in the litter box and do this each time. You may even try scratching at the litter to show the kitten what to do. If you see your kitten sniffing or scratching the ground, place it in the litter box. If your kitten uses the litter box, offer praise with petting or even a toy or treat. Allow the kitten to first investigate the environment and exit the litter box on its own. Allow the aroma to linger so your kitty will remember it later instead of cleaning up the area right away.

Issues and Proofing Practice

The majority of kittens pick up using the litter box quite fast. Try to be patient; some kittens may need more time. Place the litter boxes in the regions where your kitten prefers to relieve itself, if there are one or two spots in the house. Try switching the brand or kind of kitty litter or the litter box if this doesn’t work.
Consider the litter box from your cat’s perspective while making your decision. Are there any alarming or distracting objects nearby? Your cat might desire to avoid the place because of a sight or sound. Perhaps there is a strong plastic smell coming from the litter box. Perhaps the litter does not feel pleasant on the paws or has an odor kitty dislikes. You may need to make several small changes before your kitten will accept the litter box.

Remember, never punish your cat for accidents. Be consistent about moving the kitten to the litter box if you catch it in the middle of an accident. Try not to get angry or frustrated. Stress in the environment is the main cause of behavioral litter box issues. This means you may need to assess your kitten’s environment. Are there other pets in the home causing stress? Is your kitten acting anxious or restless? Perhaps it needs more exercise or vertical space.

If you continue to have trouble, talk to your veterinarian, who can rule out health issues that might be getting in the way of litter box training and offer training suggestions.


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