After a Street Attack in New York, a Woman Finds Solace Among Other Dog Owners: “I Just Froze.” – Animal Fans World

After a Street Attack in New York, a Woman Finds Solace Among Other Dog Owners: “I Just Froze.”

When Yukari Yamahiro needed it the most, Butter the rescue beagle-mix was there to remind her what unconditional love looks like.

Yukari Yamahiro left her doctor’s office on a beautiful spring day in May 2021 in Manhattan, close to the intersection of 4th Avenue and 12th Street. Yamahiro, who had just completed the first trimester of her pregnancy, went toward the intersection and the remainder of her day while putting a loving touch on her expanding tummy. She was walking while speaking on the phone with her mother about her appointment. The woman went up to her at that point.

The woman hurled a racial epithet at Yamahiro as she approached from the direction she was walking in. She spit on her face after that. One of the hate crimes committed against the AAPI community, the incidence were reported across the country in the last year

Yamahiro tells Daily Paws, “I always felt that I’d be ready, if someone ever did something like that. “I’ve always believed that I can defend myself. I, however, froze.”

Yamahiro first ducked away from her attacker out of fear that she may be physically attacked and that the lady might hurt her pregnant child. Yamahiro remained immobile and sobbed on the sidewalk until police arrived and collected her statement while the woman kept walking down the street after the first astonishment gave way to a sensation of comfort and melancholy.

After the attack, Yamahiro was inconsolable as he returned home. She felt alone in addition to being violated by the act of being spat upon. She was alone herself up until she opened her flat door and encountered Butter.

She recalls the relief she experienced upon seeing the 3-year-old beagle mix bouncing up to her and exclaims, “It was the best thing. “Not returning to an empty flat was just the nicest feeling in the world. I had this swinging tail, so I wasn’t by myself. When I went home, I felt comfortable despite the fact that I was crying on the streets.”

Anyone who has a pet understands how consoling they can be during anxious or sad times. The little puppy not only cuddled up to her and let her cry on her neck, but by giving her something else to think about, saved her from spending too much time hiding out in her apartment and isolating herself. Despite her anxiety and despair, Yamahiro still needed to take care of her and take her outside, so the two leashed up and went for a stroll. Yamahiro wanted to avoid people, but Butter compelled her toward her favorite dog park.

She admits, “I was afraid to go out.” “Whatever it took, I was going to wear a hat, sunglasses, and a thick sweatshirt.” to hide. But the other owners saw me like that and asked what was wrong and I told them about my morning.”


She discovered other dog lovers, and this opened her eyes to a softer side of people. The support she received from the other dog owners at the park, who volunteered to walk home with her and to meet her at her apartment to walk the following day, moved Yamahiro, she said.

Butter unknowingly assisted Yamahiro in a surprising way, although not knowing it. Not only was the tiny rescue dog there to welcome Yamahiro home, but she was also able to introduce her to a helpful group of individuals who would grow to be friends at a time when Yamahiro most needed a support system. Their tale of love triumphing over hate was chosen as the winner of the Petco Love Stories competition, which just granted Hearts and Bones, the rescue group Yamahiro used to adopt Butter, a $100k prize. Their story was chosen by Petco Love and BOBS from Skechers as the main prize winner in December 2021 out of hundreds of outstanding pet adoption stories that were submitted to the competition.

In New York, she claims, “it’s difficult to find pals who aren’t from job or school.” However, everyone I’ve seen at the dog park has been really empathic despite being of different ages, races, and nationalities.
Yamahiro did not let that ugly and angry moment to alter who she is as a person. However, she now feels that the people she met at the dog park are more like a close-knit group of friends than she had originally thought. She has kept taking Butter to her preferred dog park ever since, talking and walking every day with her other dog-loving friends.

A baby boy named Yamahiro who was born in November has joined the pack as a new member. Both the mother and the child are doing fine, happy, and healthy. As usual, butter is also present and useful. It should come as no surprise that Yamahiro thinks Butter is a terrific big sister given the amount of love this tiny beagle mix has already brought into her life in their two years together.


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