Who Left this Faithful Dog Alone in the Empty House for a Few Weeks – Animal Fans World

Who Left this Faithful Dog Alone in the Empty House for a Few Weeks

Freon, a 2-year-old boxer mix, was unsure of how to respond when he spotted Donna Lochmann, the rescuer, waiting at the top of the stairway. After more than two weeks, he was seeing someone for the first time.

When a local landlord called Stray Rescue of St. Louis’ animal shelter to report a shelter dog in one of his homes, Lochmann first learned about Freon.

The landlord disclosed to the personnel at the animal shelter that Freon’s family had relocated to a house without a pet policy and that they had kept Freon locked in a stairway for more than a week before alerting authorities. When Lochmann heard this, she immediately got in her car and headed for the residence.

In the foyer, where Freon was allegedly residing, was a closed door when Lochmann came on the scene.

According to Lochmann, the shelter’s chief lifesaving officer, “I observed him huddling on one of the landings when I opened the door [open].


You can watch Lochmann find Freon here:



The food bowls that someone had left behind allowed Freon, who was alone himself, to last for over two weeks in the stairs. In order to stay cool during the sweltering summer days, he also kept a supply of water.

To Lochmann’s astonishment, the frightened dog didn’t object when she tried to place a leash on him as she descended the steps to Freon’s landing.

He hesitated a little to accompany me, remarked Lochmann. But after a little prodding with Vienna sausages, he left through the front door and up the steps.

They then left.

Al Freon, who didn’t yet have a name, did something that drew Lochmann’s eye as soon as they got into the automobile.

He essentially stepped in front of us and pressed his face into the vents, according to Lochmann. He was given the name Freon because he enjoyed feeling the cool air on his face.

Freon won everyone’s hearts the moment he arrived at the shelter.

They then left.

The dog “loved everyone in [the] clinic, even when he had his injections,” according to a Facebook post. No other dog had ever acted that way before, the post continues.

After being left alone for such a long time, Freon spent a little time at the shelter’s clinic where he received the medical care he required.

As soon as he was in good health again, Freon was qualified for adoption, but his adoption listing was quickly removed.

He now has his everlasting family, according to Lochmann. He also has a canine brother.

Freon is thriving in his forever home right now, and the staff at Stray Rescue of St. Louis is overjoyed that he can put his traumatic history behind him.

The animal sanctuary said in a post announcing Freon’s adoption, “We adore you, buddy. There is “no turning back.”


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